Tag: GIIRS Rated Company1

Impact Companies Tag: GIIRS Rated Company 1

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Ojay Greene


We offer training advisory services and access to markets for underserved smallholder farmer groups and communities. Our primary focus is on those who earn US $700 annually. Through our engagement with them we seek to increase their incomes 5 times in 5 years.We utilize sms technology to improve crop and agricultural productivity for smallholder farmers. Smallholder farmers are registered into our mobile platform where they receive timely updated messages with stepwise action points on how they can increase their yields.Smallholder farmers registered into our mobile platform improve their chances of accessing profitable markets. We commit improve their crop quality through our platform. On achieving the desired crop quality we purchase the crops from them using Fair trade policies and we sell their produce to profitable markets.This model satisfies the company s mission of Increasing incomes of smallholder farmers.

Agriculture, forestry & fishing