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NOW Magazine


NOW Magazine has been Toronto's and Canada's leading news and entertainment weekly for 34 years. With 422000 readers every week (VivaData Fall 2015) NOW delivers an essential print and digital package echoed in social media that includes a hard hitting and progressive news section and intelligent and fresh cultural reporting that often introduces new artists and acts to its readers as well as the city's most extensive listings. Throughout the year NOW produces a wide range of authoritative editorial guides and special editions that readers refer to time and time again. These include NOW's Restaurant Guide Back to School Shopping Special the Toronto International Film Festival Guide the Readers Choice Best of Toronto Issue and many more. In addition NOW partners with numerous key cultural events throughout the year keeping the paper front and centre in the minds of readers. Some of NOW's annual sponsorships include TIFF Fringe Festival Pride NXNE Hot Docs and others. As part of its efforts to conserve Canada's and the world's ancient and endangered forests NOW continues to be committed to publishing on 100 per cent recycled paper with vegetable inks.

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