Tag: Program Director1

People Tag: Program Director 1

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Matthew Pelton

Matt Pelton is the Program Director of the Africa Awards for Entrepreneurship at the African Leadership Network. He is passionate about empowering entrepreneurs with business and leadership skills that allow them to drive social and economic development in their communities and beyond. He currently teaches entrepreneurial leadership to young adults throughout Sub-Saharan Africa with Babson College, and through unique roles with Babson and Culver Academies, he has mentored young adults and aspiring entrepreneurs from around the world. Prior to ALN, Matt worked as a Transaction Services consultant at KPMG providing accounting policy and due diligence advice to Technology, Energy, and Financial Services clients. A licensed Certified Public Accountant, Matt completed a postgraduate program at the Governmental Accounting Standards Board after graduating Summa Cum Laude from Augustana College (Illinois).

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