Tag: Fresh Water1

Impact Companies Tag: Fresh Water 1

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Sanergy makes hygienic sanitation affordable and accessible in urban slums for everyone forever starting with Nairobi Kenya. 2.6 billion people or 40% of the world lack access to basic sanitation. The resulting disease causes nearly 2 million deaths 10% of the global disease burden and $84 billion in worker productivity loss each year. The high population density combined with the lack of infrastructure and resources makes the problem particularly acute in slums where populations will double to 2 billion by 2030. Kenya is at the epicenter of this crisis with 10 million people living in slums 80% of whom lack access to basic sanitation. Sanergy promotes the fundamental human right to sanitation in the slums of Kenya by increasing access to and usage of hygienic sanitation facilities. Sanergy creates an efficient equitable and sustainable sanitation cycle by building a dense network of small scale sanitation centers across the slums a low cost containerized waste collection infrastructure and converting this waste at their central processing facility into useful byproducts such as organic fertilizer and renewable energy.

Real estate, design & building