Alfonso Serrano

Alfonso Serrano

cool cool cool



I have passion in my life, and it is all about finding ways to help people live better life. I started when I was 12 years old, participating as volunteer in a movement that helps families in rural communities in Mexico to find ways to have a better and happier life. I kept going every year for one week until I was 23, at that point is when I started noticing that the one thing that makes a family really change their life and their behavior is a house. A family cannot have health without a home, cannot send their kids to study if they don't have a descent place to sleep and to do their homework. Since that moment my passion has been finding ways to give families at the Bottom of the Pyramid the possibility to have a house that can really change their life and the way they live. On December 2007, I founded Construyendo Comunidades Integrales; witch is a nonprofit organization that seeks to help the most needed communities in Mexico, and taking volunteers to build houses for them. On January 2010, I participated in Unidos por Ellos A.C. This association was created to support Haiti after the earthquake. On March 2010 I founded Habvita that is a social business dedicated to developing housing projects based on self construction techniques. It is aimed towards BOP (bottom of the pyramid) social economic levels.


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