Tag: Divorce2

Impact Companies Tag: Divorce 1

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X2X, Inc

X2X has developed a mobile app called Family Plan FP to help divorced parents cooperate on matters relating to shared custody scheduling payments and communications. These are the flash points that generate conflict in divorce which can lead to a toxic environment for children. The statistics about children who grow up in a conflict ridden divorce are dismal greater incidence of abuse drug and alcohol problems school difficulties poverty twice the risk of suicide and many other negative issues. The need is very great to try to address conflict and mitigate these problems and the best way is by nipping them in the bud. FP is a simple and impactful tool to promote healthier outcomes for children in divorce by objectifying the common causes of conflict within divorce.Using FP parents can manage custody scheduling on a shared calendar in real time arrange and make payments instantaneously and with authentication and make and log texts and emails to support open communication and maintain a reliable record. No other mobile app provides this suite of functions. This app has been developed with input from a team of divorced parents divorce lawyers and ex judges to address both an important social need and a large market opportunity.

Information, communication & technology